I can be a troll if need be... not proud of it... who am I fooling, I love it. But it's not sustainable: eventually you just want to be able to go online and NOT start a fight with a perfect stranger. I am not looking to get in people's faces constantly, but sometimes THEY bring it to YOU. And so it helps to be able to handle your own in an online squabble. I have great admiration for artists who can handle their own in the real world. Audiences (even the paying ones) aren't always hospitable to performers, especially if alcohol is involved. Hecklers can get a sense of entitlement and decide that THEY, and not the person on the marquee, is worthy of attention. In my opinion, a good live perfoemer can squash that beef in no time flat. It just takes the guts to redirect that energy right back at the perpetrators. Going on stage is not as easy as it looks-- it can be gut-wrenching and anxiety-inducing. And so when someone in the crowd acts out of line and gets called out on it...