After a considerable slowdown in activity I am proud to announce that I have not one, not two but THREE podcasts that are available to digest... and they are all video podcasts so they fall under the MUSIC PODCAST SERIES umbrella rather than MIXTAPE PRESERVATION SOCIETY.

For anyone unclear on the dual banner: MUSIC PODCAST SERIES is mostly the video version of the MPS podcast realm, although I sometimes provide audio-only versions on my Soundcloud account. These originated at Wave One Media in downtown Indianapolis but now that I am savvier at using Zoom it looks like Chuckie (my co-host) and I will be producing these ourselves. In these podcasts I go by the name of DJ LED.

MIXTAPE PRESERVATION SOCIETY is the audio-only podcast which is sort of the flagship of this enterprise, hosted under the name BJ Fornicatti and which is soon going to celebrate its 50th podcast. I have some future episodes waiting to be released but I took the downtime afforded by the quarantine to develop my video-editing skills so that I could get the video podcasts up to speed. I consider the Fornicatti podcasts to be SEASON ONE and the DJ LED podcasts to be SEASON TWO.

To peep the MPS videos, go to the pally420 You Tube channel and subscribe for regular updates.

Episode 6 was one of the last sessions we did at Wave One Media (in fact you can see Wyatt Felling in the podcast taking photos to promote our show) and my special guest was my son JR. He, Chuckie, and I just shot the breeze about modern music; the segment was produced in late 2019/early 2020 and pretty much signified the end of our association with Wave One. We did not part ways under acrimonious circumstances; in fact I credit Wave One for inspiring me to take the MPS concept even further. If the COVID-19 thing hadn't shut everything down, I think I might have continued to shoot podcasts there, and Wave One is still producing new shows.

Episode 7 is the first of what I am calling Quarantine Conversations with Chuckie Dread. It's basically excerpts from a marathon session Chuckie and I did remotely. This is separate from what we normally do because we have every intention of reconvening in person side-by-side for future podcasts. We cover a variety of topics and it served as a preamble to my receiving new video editing software and the advent of Zoom's popularity in the wake of the pandemic. We mostly talk about music but future conversations will include the basics of playing the drums and the process of creating Chuckie's signature dread hairstyle.

Episode 8 is the second interview with the rap group LAV.ISH but the first one on video via Zoom. LAV.ISH hails from Des Moines, Iowa and reached out to me late last year to do an audio-only podcast for the Season One edition of MPS. They hit me up again and this time we did it on Zoom and I think the results are way better. The topics include their new album, Lost & Fond; the lack of musical venues and events in this pandemic era; and trying to get to the next level. My son makes an appearance, giving his opinion on one of their singles. I look forward to having more interviews and hangouts with these guys-- their music is dope and they are awesome dudes to talk to and vibe with.

So sit back, enjoy the end of the three-day weekend, and peep all the video content I've been slapping together. Stay safe and healthy, and keep making those mixtapes and peeping those vids.


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