Welcome to my podcast blog.

I originally set this up to get an RSS feed for my podcast, but decided that it was easier to use Soundcloud for that. However, as I learn more and more about how to podcast and what's the best/most cost-effective way to do it, things may change. In the meantime, I will us this blog as a means of explaining the hours in more detail (if need be) and also as a forum for any topics that arise. Comments are welcome, of course.

As of now I have four different links to my podcast. The best link is at iTunes, but there's so many more podcasting platforms out there. I intend to add more to the list but this is what I have so far:





Please feel free to subscribe to these and also to spread the word.

I had a slight setback last week when I realized that I would have to pay at least a small amount of money each month if I wanted to keep podcasting. I tried to rearrange the hosting structure but it turns out that the days of unlimited storage for absolutely free podcasts passed me by before I even got my feet wet. Thus, the stats on my first four or five hours are misleading: I started the podcasts on April 30th but because I had to upload everything all over again the premiere date is now May 20th. It was a pain in the arse for sure but at least I dealt with this scenario early and not later, when there's more data to contend with and more of a following. This kind of killed my momentum but that's not a huge issue for me: I enjoy doing this, and I hope you enjoy my doing this.

I would appreciate any and all comments on the podcast. I will NOT blast you for constructive criticism. (i.e. is it too long, is it short on content, etc.) I WILL engage in conversations of an intellectual bent (is Kendrick Lamar overrated, what albums would I take with me on a desert island, etc.) and I will try to keep this as up-to-date as possible.

Thanks for listening. Keep preserving those mixtapes.

--BJ Fornicatti


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