As you can tell from the exponential jump in episode numbers, it's been a minute since I done did anything up in here. But with the world going buck nutty over COVID-19, it seems like my time is a little more free and I can finally get on with the "business" of making podcasts.

I have a backlog of material recorded at Wave One studios but I probably will not be producing podcasts out of that facility anymore. Certainly coronavirus is a factor, but I had actually been thinking about going back to in-house production as far back as January. Frankly, if I had sponsors then I would love to do the podcast from the Wave One studios. Wyatt Felling and his crew were nothing but cordial and accommodating. However, it costs money to rent the studio time and even though I had a positive response to a Go Fund Me profile that allowed me to record for at least one month longer than I could realistically afford, the project still needs regular sponsors.. and I just don't have the time to promote the show/s on that level. Perhaps at a later date I can return to the Wave Media fold and deliver some guaranteed revenue, but in the meantime...

I actually found a resource for podcasting closer to my home base in Carmel! It's the Carmel Library Digital Media Lab and it's free... but with all the pandemic stuff going on, that resource is closed to me as well. So in a way, I have no real choice but to go back to DIY, and my co-host Chuckie is able to provide video assistance so maybe this is all meant to be.

So now I am going back and taking the stuff we did at Wave One and getting it prepped for You Tube as well as Soundcloud and Apple Music. All the link are the same, nothing on that front has changed... hopefully I will be able to bang these out at the rate I used to, because I still enjoy making these podcasts and videos for the small but loyal following I am slowly accruing. Wave One was a pivotal part of this experience and I have nothing but love and respect for their contributions and guidance.

This particular episode was recorded just before Christmas 2019. I didn't have a topic so Chuckie and I started talking about the movie Green Book when all of a sudden a listener walking down Market Street asked to go on the air and audition for us. We let him, and the results speak for themselves... what was more fascinating than the rapper's flow was the fact that he was homeless, and relentlessly optimistic and upbeat about his prospects. I offered to produce his demo the following week but he never returned, and so what could have been is unknown.

The spontaneity of this episode marks it as one of my favorites so far. This is the reason why I enjoyed podcasting at Wave One: location, location, location! It's a prime spot for what they do, and I only wish I lived closer and had more capital at my disposal... but I highly recommend them as a place where one can hone their skills and get good feedback on how to proceed.

The You Tube link is right here. Enjoy!



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