The lockdown continues, and despite the depressing reality of our surroundings I am excited to be getting shit done! That's because I was raised in chaos and feel at home with this state of affairs.
And if you needed any more proof of my thriving in chaotic situations, look no further than the latest podcast. Me and my classmates had a bus commute that was approximately AN HOUR AND A HALF, even though we all lived within fifteen minutes of our school. Thats's because LAUSD had bus drivers pick up two other elementary schools and drop them off before they took us to school. Likewise, on the way home the other schools got taken home first, and so we had a lot of time on the bus to do dumb shit... but nothing criminal or delinquent. Rather, we listened to comedy albums of the era, traded tapes, and re-enacted skits from our favorite TV shows, movies, and radio bits. In fact, I created a fake radio station with the call letters KRAP (because I was a pre-teen and I thought it was the funniest thing ever) and we would pretend to be DJs... kind of like what I do now.
Michael Kelly and David Switzer were two of my friends with whom I shared the marathon bus rides, and they were more than happy to agree to be interviewed for this podcast. I hope to have them on again so we can do more reminiscing-- the podcast format is too limiting to be truly revelatory, and yet at the same time it is great to discuss these things in this day and age, where we have search engines and social media to help recall these memories and spread the word of our remembrances.
And I will post the various podcast links below, but because I'm a lazy bastard, I'm not posting links to any of the bits we discuss during the podcast. You've got the free time: do it yourself. You'll be glad you did.
00:00 Intro/Segment the First
04:45 Michael Kelly interview
13:23 Farewell to John Denver
13:40 Comedy records
15:22 The Bust/ASMR recordings
20:15 Hour Back... Get It?
23:35 David Switzer joins the interview
26:55 Let's Make A Dope Deal
31:33 Big Bambu/Midwest Nice
38:30 The Biggest Joint I've Ever Seen
39:45 Death of Prince/The Frantics
42:42 Last Will and Temperament
44:04 The Mandela Effect/Bird McDonald
45:15 Burger Rap
46:45 Reggae Popeye
48:00 Gilligan's Stairway
51:40 Splice Way to Heaven
55:45 KLF/School Bus Memories
57:11 Segment The Last/End of the Hour
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