As you can tell from the exponential jump in episode numbers, it's been a minute since I done did anything up in here. But with the world going buck nutty over COVID-19, it seems like my time is a little more free and I can finally get on with the "business" of making podcasts. I have a backlog of material recorded at Wave One studios but I probably will not be producing podcasts out of that facility anymore. Certainly coronavirus is a factor, but I had actually been thinking about going back to in-house production as far back as January. Frankly, if I had sponsors then I would love to do the podcast from the Wave One studios. Wyatt Felling and his crew were nothing but cordial and accommodating. However, it costs money to rent the studio time and even though I had a positive response to a Go Fund Me profile that allowed me to record for at least one month longer than I could realistically afford, the project still needs regular sponsors.. and I just don't have t...