This was the longest hiatus yet. As John Lennon once sang, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans". Luckily the small following that listens to this podcast has yet to catch up to my latest episodes, so I could probably take a whole year off before anyone asks me "Hey, where's the latest episode?" Now that I'm all settled in, we'll see how long it takes me between podcasts. Maybe I'll finally have sponsors, something I have not even made the least amount of effort to secure. I have guests for days, but as evidenced by the fact that my latest guest was interviewed seven months ago (!) it really boils down to how I use my free time. But I have a studio now, and so I am hoping that this will inspire me to produce more music, content, and audio in the future. For the time being, I am finally caught up on my interviews... and this one is kind of worth the wait. One of my deepest conversations about music, Hour 45 has...