This podcast used to be a weekly thing. Nowadays, once a month is the best I can manage. I just don't have the free time I had when I started MPS. I missed the entire month of November and didn't even have the gumption to rerun an hour or do something simple like just lining up a playlist. So I aim to post TWO installments in December. I love doing the podcast but since I do it for free and have no ads (and barely any listeners, for that matter) it's just going to have to be something I do in my spare time, of which I don't have a lot of these days. I definitely love doing it though. I'm trying to get more straight-forward guests but the analytical side, where I just talk with friends about music, seems to be where this podcast is settling into. Local musician/frequent collaborator Jeremiah Cosner and I do this thing where we listen to one side of a vinyl record, then break it down. We call it "Jeremiah's Vinyl Room" and we record it at his pla...