Jeremiah Cosner and I go back to when I first arrived in Indianapolis. He and I met through our then-wives (I am now divorced but he is still happily married) and started making music in a band called The Concrete Sailors. The band dissolved but we still collaborate on projects and hang out to listen to music and shoot the shit. He recently called me up and told me how he finally heard the music of The Velvet Underground for the first time. Of course, I flipped... they're probably one of my all-time favorite groups and Lou Reed is a personal musical hero. So I jumped at the chance to sit back, sip some coffee and reflect on the first side of VU's third, eponymous album . It was interesting to hear the opinion of someone for whom The Velvets have little meaning, other than some really good and earnest rock 'n' roll. That's not to say that Jeremiah doesn't care about them: the album had a lasting impact on him. But being a VU virgin means he can give an u...