I am not a big fan of classical music, and it stems from a few things: No real exposure to it. No one in my family ever played it for me or taught me to appreciate it. No education on it. I went to a highly gifted Magnet school, but it wasn't until the Humanities high school I attended that I ever remember discussing the music with teachers. Stereotypical feelings towards it. Classical music is for stuffed shirts and pompous fools; serial killers love classical; it just isn't cool music-- only nerds like it. Now that I am adult, I have run out of cool musical trends to explore. I have become one of those old people who deplore the music their kids listen to. I try to keep an open mind towards all this mumble rap and Auto Tune shit, but the reality is: even if I did like it (and some of it I really do) I am too old to be mucking around in the sandbox with the wee bairns. Time to grow up and act my age, right? I forget how much classical music has played a part ...