Continuing in the same vein as the past few podcasts, this week's entry is about a three-piece band from the East Coast (Delaware area to be precise) called Papas Fritas. They were on the Minty Fresh label (same as The Cardigans) and I saw them open for a number of bands during the Nineties at small venues in L.A. In addition to opening for The Cardigans, who were riding high on their single "Lovefool" which was also featured in Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet movie, they also opened for Blur, The Eels, and The Sugarplastic, whom I featured in Hour 30 a few weeks back. They seem to be largely inactive now so listing their links seems almost pointless, but they can be found on Facebook , which doesn't appear to have been updated since 2016. However, they are worth checking out as all their albums are available for purchase online. I was a big fan of them, and I re-ignited my interest in them when they guested on Yo Gabba Gabba in 2011. The po...