Back in the day, my friends and I liked to make themed mixtapes and mix CDs. Themes were challenging to make because we couldn't be accused of just haphazardly throwing them together. (One lazy way of putting a mixtape together was to basically plunder someone else's mixtape, particularly the tape of someone whom the recipient had never met) A theme meant that you'd taken more time, energy and thought than normal in assembling the mix. It wasn't just songs you liked-- they had to fit the criterion you'd established for yourself. One of the best theme mixtapes I ever made was based on a friend's idea: he decided to make an "Off-White Album" based on alternate versions of songs from The Beatles' White Album (which, as every serious fan knows, is titled simply The Beatles ) that he culled from the Beatles Anthology 3 collection mixed in with songs from the actual album. I went one further and made a mix composed of covers of the songs from the W...