MPS HOUR 14: All Sorts Of Drama...

I received this in my Soundcloud inbox a few days ago: Hi Bj Fornicatti, We've received a report directly from Universal Music Group that your track "MPS HR 11" contains "Family Feud" by Jay Z. As a result, your track has been removed from your profile for the time being. If you think we've made a mistake, you can tell us about it by following the link below and filing a dispute. You can file a dispute if you think the person who reported your track got it wrong - for example, because you are the copyright owner or have permission from the copyright owner(s) to post this track to SoundCloud. If you file a dispute and show us that you have all rights necessary to post this track, we will reinstate your track, no problem. In all other cases, we will need to treat this as copyright infringement and you will receive a “strike” against your account. If you receive three of these strikes, your SoundCloud account will be terminated in accordance ...