I went to Chicago this past weekend and hung out with my cousin and her family plus a friend from L.A. It was nice to get out of Indy for a spell, and I came back feeling refreshed and creative... but I was also spent from all the activities, plus broke from buying new vinyl and travel expenses. I didn't have any real time to throw a podcast together in the manner that I've been doing, and that's fine... This is sort of a solo effort on my part. No guests, no interviews, just me wanting to play music for avid listeners. According to my stats, I'm getting more people listening to the feed via Soundcloud than any other platform so far. I like iTunes and really hope to develop a presence there but I am also very thankful and grateful that anyone is listening at all. So mad props to my Soundcloud peeps following my podcast! My theme this week involves that song that Kirk Van Houten (the father of Milhouse on The Simpsons ) sang when he recorded a demo tape. The song...